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Great Expectations : Taehung Pictures 1984-2004

Great Expectations : Taehung Pictures 1984-2004

(위대한 유산 : 태흥영화 1984-2004 영문판)

한국영상자료원(KOFA), 전주국제영화제 (엮은이)


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책 이미지

Great Expectations : Taehung Pictures 1984-2004

책 정보

· 제목 : Great Expectations : Taehung Pictures 1984-2004 (위대한 유산 : 태흥영화 1984-2004 영문판)
· 분류 : 국내도서 > 예술/대중문화 > 영화/드라마 > 영화사
· ISBN : 9791197853418
· 쪽수 : 368쪽

책 소개

한국영상자료원(원장 김홍준)이 전주국제영화제(제23회. 2022년 4월 28일 개막)와 공동기획한 태흥영화사 자료집이자 고故 이태원 태흥영화사 전 대표의 추모집이다.


Publication Remark
Preface _ In Memory of the Late Lee Tae-won | Shim Jae Myung |

PART 1 Path of Taehung Pictures

A Brief History of Taehung Pictures: A Prestigious Production Company in Chungmuro | Kim Hyung-seok | 019

PART 2 Legacy of Taehung Pictures

Korean Films Produced by Taehung Pictures
A Spectacular History of Korean Cinema Drawn by a Filmmaker’s Perseverance | Cho Junhyoung |

Foreign Films Imported or Distributed by Taehung Pictures
An Adventurer to Make Winning Move at the Chaotic Korean Film Scene | Yi Sooyeon |

Canceled Film Projects of Taehung Pictures
Another Piece of Puzzles Completing the History of Taehung Pictures | Park Jin-hee |

Taehung Pictures’ Films Seen from Its Brochures
from <Between the Knees> to <Low Life> | Park Jin-hee |

PART 3 The Age of Taehung and Lee Tae-won

In memory of filming scenes of CHIHWASEON
The record of Taehung Pictures, the winter in 2001 or the last classical production mode in Korean film history | Jung Sung-il |

Film industry colleagues talk about Lee Tae-won and Taehung Pictures
“Lee Tae-won himself is a special legacy of the Korean film industry” | Huh Nam-Woong |

Reprint of an interview with Lee Tae-won conducted during his lifetime
“The Film Industry Is a Playground for the Genius!”| Oh Dongjin · Lee Jihoon |

Taehung Pictures's Chronology
Filmography of Taehung Pictures
List of Imported and Distributed Films by Taehung Pictures

About the author


전주국제영화제 (엮은이)    정보 더보기
전주국제영화제는 영화예술의 대안적 흐름과 독립 · 실험 영화의 최전선에 있는 작품들을 소개하고자 2000년에 출범했다. 영화 상영뿐만 아니라 전주시네마프로젝트(JCP)를 통한 제작 지원, 지역영화 지원사업 등을 통해 미래 영화의 주역이 될 재능 있는 영화인을 발굴하고, 전 세계 영화작가들이 만나고 소통할 수 있는 기회를 제공하고 있다. 아울러 《영화는 무엇이 될 것인가》(2021), 《발리우드 너머의 영화들》(2013), 《한국단편영화의 쟁점들》(2007) 등 발간사업도 활발히 진행하고 있다. www.jeonjufest.kr
한국영상자료원(KOFA) (엮은이)    정보 더보기
한국영상자료원은 한국에서 만들어지고 개봉된 모든 영화의 필름, 시나리오, 포스터 등과 주요한 해외영화, 독립영화, 기타 영상자료를 수집·보존하는 국내 유일의 영상 아카이브 기관. 1974년 필름보관소라는 이름으로 출발해 변화와 발전을 거듭하며 오늘에 이르고 있다. 한국영상자료원은 후대를 위해 자료를 보존하는 곳일 뿐 아니라, 국민들이 쉽고 즐겁게 영상문화를 즐길 수 있도록 한국영화박물관, 시네마테크KOFA, 영상도서관 그리고 온라인상의 다양한 서비스를 운영하고 있다. www.koreafilm.or.kr.


In his last interview in 2012, he said, “Now, my time has passed. I have no intention of making a film again. The one who wins is the one who does it with a do-or-die attitude. You have to make a film with all your heart and without lies.” This seems to be his lifelong clear mindset and attitude toward film. Perhaps this might had been his will that just arrived too quickly. - Shim Jae Myung, <Preface: In Memory of the Late Lee Tae-won>

<Bhiksuni>, which ended up being Taehung Pictures’ “canceled foundingwork,” was originally planned by actress Kim Ji-mee. Director Im Kwontaek was supposed to direct the film; as the production schedule continued to be delayed, however, Im Kwon-taek recommended Lee Tae-won to take over the project. Lee Tae-won took over the project after paying for the pre-production cost. <Bhiksuni>, written by Song Gil-han, was the story of a bhuksuni (Buddhist nun) who converted herself to Buddhism to reach nirvana. - Kim Hyung-seok, <A Brief History of Taehung Pictures: A Prestigious Production Company in Chungmuro>

As such, Taehung Pictures raised necessary funding in the way of old Chungmuro to produce a film. However, Chungmuro’s topography changed rapidly with the influx of large companies and financial capital in the 1990s. In fact, Samsung Entertainment Group once offered Taehung Pictures 10 billion won worth of production budget, but he refused the proposal, thinking “the know-how is with me even if large companies rushed in” - Kim Hyung-seok, <A Brief History of Taehung Pictures: A Prestigious Production Company in Chungmuro>

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